jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Research 8 - All's well that ends well

Our miniworksheet 8 scheduled for the week of April 19th is based on the following podcast reading:

http://www.listen-to-english.com/index.php?cat=podcasts (click to get to link)

Make sure your research covers the article's understanding of its vocabulary, grammar (syntax: the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences - morphology: the patterns of word formation) and concepts found in it.

Don't forget to study "making deductions and speculating about the past", Unit 5, Lesson 3. They are found on both your text and work books.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Evaluation plan 2010 - 3rd period

All activities have the same value. Marks are obtained through average.

Research 8 - Week of April 19th

Listening comprehension 1 - Week of April 26th

Visual comprehension 1 - Week of May 10th

Monthly worksheet 1
- Week of May 10th

Research 9
- Week of May 24th

Listening comprehension 2
- Week of May 31st

Monthly worksheet 2
- Week of June 7th

Rounds of class participation on the ongoing basis